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Australian Sheep & Wool Show gets behind the Foundation

The Life’s Little Treasures Foundation (LLTF) has been selected as the charity recipient of the 2015 Australian Fleece Competition.  We would introduce you to the wonderful McArthur Liston family who made it happen, and in particular, Philippa ‘Pip’ McArthur Liston, the amazing little girl who is the inspiration for the nomination.

Pip was born a tiny 604g at 24 weeks gestation in 2011 and spent 122 days in the Royal Women’s Hospital.  Now a healthy and happy four year old, mum, Joanne McArthur and dad, Tim Liston remember the trauma of her days in NICU:

“It was like our whole life was on the edge. We could never breathe easy, never have a complacent thought. If Pip was having a good day, we had a great day – if Pip had a bad day, we were having the worst day in the world.  I hope I never feel like that ever again.”

To give something back to the community that helped the family through their prem journey, Joanne took on some volunteer work for the Foundation, and Tim’s sister Prue Harris nominated LLTF to be the charity recipient of the Australian Fleece Competition.  Her first nomination in 2014 was unsuccessful but taking a leaf out of Pip’s book and refusing to give up, she tried again in 2015.  We are delighted that she was successful the second time round!

The fleeces will be judged the Australian Fleece Competition at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show in Bendigo, 17th-19th July 2015 and then sold to raise money for LLTF.  Our thanks to Landmark for putting the competition together.

We are also thrilled for the McArthur Liston family, who welcomed little sister Maggie into the world a few months ago.  Born at 37 weeks, their journey was a little smoother this time around.

Read the Stock & Land article HERE – Fleece competition helps sick kids.

To discuss your event or organisation nominating Life’s Little Treasures Foundation for charitable donations contact Beth Allan, our Development and Fundraising Manager  on 03 9973 4942 or by email on [email protected].


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