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LLTF and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute partner on an Australian first online program for families of premature babies..





We are delighted to be partnering with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute on a new program currently being developed.  The program aims to develop an online program for parents of very premature children, a first of it’s kind in Australia.

They are currently seeking Victorian families who have experienced the premature birth of a baby ( who are at least 12 months out of NICU)  to be filmed for the purposes of this program.  They would like to film the parents talking about things such as tips for parents in the NICU, supports that helped them during the initial months and longer term, and other things that might be helpful for other parents to know (such as early intervention, tips for communicating with doctors, etc.).

These interviews will most likely be filmed at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Parkville. They will be used to illustrate information and strategies in the online intervention program that parents can then use to help support their premature babies in the NICU and at home. Filming will take approximately 1 hour and they are flexible on times, so mum & dad can attend.

The online intervention program being developing is based on an evidence based home visiting program for parents of premature children that they have already studied and found to be helpful for parents and children. They are developing this online version of the program so they can reach more parents with less cost.

The online program aims to educate parents about their child’s development and things parents can do to help, strengthening the parentchild relationship and supporting parental mental health. They program is not intended to replace other intensive early intervention programs, but rather aims to complement them. After they have finished the development phase of the project, they will conduct a large randomised controlled trial (RCT) study of the program with parents of premature children.

They anticipate the initial evaluation study of the program will take 4-5 years, and after this time we will focus on translation of the program into clinical practice. Please take some time to think about whether you would like to be part of this program and consent to be filmed for the it.

The Foundation’s President Mrs Parool Shah has said

“We are delighted to be partnering with such a well known and internationally renowned  research institute in developing this online programme for families. The birth of a premature or sick baby is very stressful for all family members and parents are often concerned about long term outcomes for their babies – providing an online parenting tool such as this will help empower families and give them a better understanding of how to achieve the best outcomes for their babies. “

 “To be involved in a programme that will make a huge difference to babies and families is fantastic and helps us in realising one of our core missions of the Foundation, which is “To help families achieve optimal child and family health and wellbeing.”

If you would like to participate, or have any questions about the filming, please contact the program coordinator, Karli Treyvaud, on 9345 4756 or email [email protected]

It’s a great opportunity to share your experience, assist future families and be part of an Australian first program for families of premature babies.

Video interview topics for parents of premature children

Note: Parents can choose to talk about all or some of these topics

  • Initial feelings and reactions to the NICU
  • Experience with kangaroo care and involvement in care giving activities such as feeding, baths
  • Fathers talking about their experiences in the NICU and supporting themselves and their partner (in the NICU and at home), balancing home and work life
  • Things that help parents look after and care for themselves during stressful times (in the NICU and at home)
  • Things that help parents look after  their relationships with others (partner/spouse, other family, other children, friends)(in NICU and at home)- may also talk about influence of the premature birth experience on relationships with others
  • Bonding with their baby, seeing their baby for the first time, how the relationship changed over time 
  • Tips for coping in the NICU
  • Tips for coping once you are home with your baby
  • Transitions: moving from the NICU to Special Care Nursery, different hospital and/or home
  • Support groups that were helpful e.g., LLT
  • Any other information parents want to talk about that parents of premature children might find helpful




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