Did your Little Treasure have a lot of respiratory issues while in hospital?
Do you worry about their lung health now?
Here’s a wonderful opportunity to ask questions of 2 of Australia’s top Neonatologists. The Foundation is excited to be partnering with the Centre of Research Excellence in Newborn Medicine for an interactive parent info session live on Facebook, about Preterm Lung health on
Date: Tuesday July 24th
Time: 10am
Join in the discussion live with Prof Lex Doyle and Dr Brett Manley. This is a great opportunity to ask al the questions you have. You can ask questions live, or send them to us beforehand at
Register your interest at HERE
For more information you can download the pdf HERE
Facebook – Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Website – www.mcri.edu.au/
#research #prematurebaby #makingadifferencetogether #CRE #MCRI