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Currently the Life’s Little Treasures Foundation is assisting in the following research:Feasibility of a web-based program for parents with preterm children

Investigators: Dr Karli Treyvaud, Prof Lex Doyle, Dr Peter Anderson

(Victorian Infant Brain Studies, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)

Summary of Results

Our research group (Victorian Infant Brain Studies) has developed a home-visiting intervention program for families with preterm children, and we want to make the program accessible to more families by adapting it for the internet. We conducted this study with the help of the Life’s Little Treasures Foundation to better understand the types of information and support that families with preterm children have accessed, where they go for information and support, and their thoughts about the benefits and problems associated with a web-based intervention program.

To view the report click HERE

Perinatal Anxiety as a Factor in Maternal Bonding and Postnatal Depressive Symtomatology among Mothers of Full-term and Premature Infants

Who is eligible ?
To take part in the study your baby must be between the ages of 1 day to 6 months of age (if your baby is premature then you can use the corrected age).

Michele Bell is conducting this research as part of her Clinical Doctoral Psychology degree. This project will explore mother-infant relationships (i.e. bonding) experiences when babies are born at term and prematurely. By investigating the psychological processes a mother experiences when bonding with her infant it is hoped that the results of this study will help in the understanding of the possible effects prematurity has on bonding behaviors and the emotional wellbeing of mothers. Michele herself had a prem 14 years ago, who is now a healthy active young man. It was her own personal experience that had Michele wanting to find out more.

You don’t need to have had a premature baby to participate in this study. In fact they require two groups of mothers, those who gave birth before 37 weeks (i.e. prematurely) and those who gave birth at term.

However, to participate in this study your baby must be between the ages of 1 day to 6 months of age (if your baby is premature then you can use the corrected age). If you have twins can you please complete the survey thinking of only one of your babies.

Michele needs as many families as possible to take part in this important study.

To access the SURVEY please click here.

What makes a mother a happy, confident mother of a premmie baby?

Researchers at the University of Queensland have been conducting focus groups with parents of premmie babies to explore their unique parenting experiences. Inspired by parents stories of challenges and resilience they want to further explore some of the issues that parents have raised. In particular, they want to know what factors contribute to making the mother of a premmie baby a happy and confident mother.

Can you participate?
They are recruiting mothers of babies (<24 months corrected age) born preterm (<37 weeks gestational age).

What does participation involve?
Participation involves completing a web-based survey. They’ve chosen a web-based survey because it allows you to complete the questionnaires in your own home at a time convenient to you. All responses will be completely anonymous as no identifying details will be recorded. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The questionnaires will ask about; you’re expectations before the premmie birth, your experiences during hospitalisation, coping strategies, your feelings, your spousal relationship (if applicable) and your current feelings around parenting.

The web-address for the survey is:

What are the benefits?
They hope that this research will inform clinicians about ways that they can better support parents.

If you would like any further information about this study please contact us:

Previous Studies

The Effects of Prematurity on the Social and Emotional Development of School Age Children.
Download pdf

Cognition, Academic Progress, Behavior and Self-Concept at 14 Years of Very Low Birth Weight Children
Download pdf

Magnesium Sulphate used in care of mother’s who are at risk of a very preterm birth to increase the chances of their baby surviving free of cerebral palsy.
Download pdf

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