On Sunday the 17th of November, families, friends and professionals around the world will join together to celebrate World Prematurity Day, with the aim of raising awareness of the global problem of premature birth.
An estimated 15 million babies around the world are born prematurely each year and one million of them do not survive their early birth. Here in Australia there are over 21,000 premature births every year
As part of this day, the Foundation will be celebrating with groups around Australia, as well as global friends March of Dimes and Bliss, to call attention to this global problem and what can be done to prevent it. The day promotes kangaroo mother care. Families everywhere are asked to Give a Hug and remember all those families who can’t hug their premature babies right now.
There are many ways in which you can get involved to help celebrate the day and raise awareness:
- Join the global online community and share a “virtual hug” with friends through Facebook or Twitter (@lifeslittle – use the hashtag #worldprematurityday)
- Give your bub a hug
- Wear purple on the day
- Share your photos on our Facebook page
- Share your photos on the World Prematurity Day Facebook page
In recognition of World Prematurity Day, prominent buildings and landmarks in many countries will be lit in purple. Here in Australia, we are excited that Telstra has joined with Life’s Little Treasures Foundation to ensure that the iconic Telstra Tower in Canberra will be lit up purple for the day to help raise awareness.
Foundation assists families on World Prematurity Day
The Foundation understands how having a premature baby can place a financial strain on families. Thanks to your generosity, we are pleased to announce that as part of World Prematurity Day, Life’s Little Treasures will be partnering with hospitals across Australia distributing food and fuel vouchers to support families in NICUs.
“Thank you so much! This is absolutely wonderful and will mean so much to these families.”
Hospital Social Worker
Wherever you are on the 17th, we encourage you to HUG your loved ones and join us in celebrating World Prematurity Day, share your stories and photos with us on facebook, to raise awareness.
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