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Mother’s Day Gift Giving Drive

Help us to treasure a mum this Mother’s Day through our Mother’s Day Gift Giving Drive

This Mother’s Day help the Life’s Little Treasures Foundation to celebrate and support all the special mothers of premature and sick babies in hospital with a gift to treasure. Mother’s Day for mums with babies in hospital can be a particularly difficult and isolating time. Receiving something special can mean the world to them.

“It was my first mother’s day and I was so down, not being able to celebrate it as others mothers do, but when I walked in and saw the beautiful gift from the Foundation it just lifted my spirits and made me realise I’m not alone on my journey”
Emma (mother to Noah 31 weeker)

Please help us support mothers like Emma. With your donation we hope to treasure over 1300 mothers across Australia with a gift to recognise this special day. DONATE HERE



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