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Walk for Prems 2018

We are so pleased and proud to tell you that it was our biggest and most successful ever! Our goal was to raise $300,000, we smashed it and raised $381,738 which was a staggering 21.5% up on last year’s excellent result. The money raised will enable Life’s Little Treasures Foundation to continue assisting families with a premature or sick baby. We will be able to continue supplying hospitals (now 121 throughout Australia) with our comprehensive publications, hosting in-hospital morning teas, providing financial assistance and running our 24 hour Support Line to name a few. In 2018 we were able to add part-time Peer Support Co-Ordinators in Victoria and the ACT. These Co-Ordinators work with our Hospitals to ensure families have access to the many products and services we offer as well as Veteran Parent Support through family centred care programs. In 2019, we hope to expand this as well as our NICU Food from the Heart program.

So huge thank you to everyone who Walked, Ran, Fundraised, Donated to the Walk fund to help make it the amazing success it was. We couldn’t do it without your support.

Next year’s date is Sunday 27thOctober, so lock it in your diary

Pictures from the various walk locations can be seen in our online Facebook Walk albums here, but here’s a little taster…


Walk Top Fundraisers

Baby Bunting took out both fundraising competitions but recognising the incredible efforts of everyone else who participated this year has generously offered to pass their prizes down…

Top Walk fundraisers per location ($100 BB voucher)

Location Last Name First Name Amount Raised 
Adelaide Giles Sonia $2450.00
Ballarat Ermel Jorja $1908.31
Brisbane Mackenroth Krystle $2410.30
Cairns Mitchell Tonya $250.00
Canberra Meiksa Vytas $1775.00
Gippsland Williams Kristy $400.00
Goulburn Valley Brown Rebecca $282.00
Hobart Doyle Helisha $880.00
Melbourne Morton Deanna $2046.52
Perth Tran Luan $4335.00
Sydney Conroy Amanda $2030.00
Townsville Trueman Asher $1097.30
Virtual Walk Rigby Nicola $1298.00


Top Walk overall individual fundraiser (Britax car seat)

Team name Team Captain Amount raised
Perth Tran Luan $4,335.00


Top Walk fundraising team (Britax stroller & bassinet)

Team name Team Captain Amount raised
Team Tex Russell Natasha Russell $5,718.00


Congratulations to all the winners, your prizes are on the way.  A huge thank you to each and every one of you for the amazing effort you went to, to fundraise and help us reach the Walk target. You are all Heros in our eyes.



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